About me

Welcome! I am Stefano, and am a Ph.D. in Cosmology. During the years that I had passed in University, I had the opportunity to work with notable scientists with incredible skills, preparation and capacity to teach very complex concepts with an impressive easily naturality. The main topic of my reserch was investigating the atmospheric effects on the Cosmic Microwave Backgorund observation performed by ground-based telescopes. This kind of activity needs different skills in various fields of physics and computer science like: Cosmology, Physics of the Atmosphere, Statistical Physisc and how to reproduce that with numerical simulation. It means: how to numerical simulate a very complex system like a telescope that observes a very thiny signal through the atmosphere that introcudes a significant spurious signals that is charactirized by nontrivial time an space fluctuations. The HPC skills with a deep knowledge of the modern C++ standards (e.g. C++11/14 and 17) play a crucial role to create library, widgets and simulation jobs that can be deal with a huge amount of data and very complex analysis algorithms.

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